
Thoughts and Comments from a Sassy Girl on the Right.......and I'm not even southern.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Let's Break It Down

Now, when I say I'm a republican or conservative - this does NOT mean that I agree with every political and social agenda presented on the right. There is no black and white in politics and while I agree with some aspects of course I am going to disagree with some others. I use the term loosely because of all the gray area that comes with being the *gasp* conservative young person.

I actually like to think of myself as a "libertarian" - meaning I want each individual to have freedom to run her life the way she seems fit. I want to maximize my own liberty and my fellow neighbors. This means I am SOCIALLY LIBERAL and FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE. But considering that many usually don't know or understand what a libertarian is I usually just refer to myself as a conservative.

So just to clear the air, no, I am not a racist white bigot. No, I am not homophobic or against same-sex marriage. Yes, I am pro-choice. Yes, I am for women.

Like I said nothing is black or white. Quite plainly I think that both main parties in the United States have major flaws. I've simply chosen the Republican Party as the lesser of two evils.

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