
Thoughts and Comments from a Sassy Girl on the Right.......and I'm not even southern.

Monday, July 30, 2012


I moved! I'm now at http://missontheright.wordpress.com/! If you like to learn more about me or you actually liked my writing, check it out! Thanks!!

575 Years of Egg McMuffins and Large Coffees

Perspective. That's what people need a great big dose of nowadays. We hear the massive amount of money the government is spending, but do we understand it's magnitude. Does 4 billion dollars really seem like that much. Bill Gates was able to earn billions in a lifetime as was Steve Jobs. Big businesses earn billions too. So, how much really is a billion dollars....

According to Forbes Magazine, $1 billion will buy you and 2,000 other friends an egg mcmuffin and a large coffee every day for the next 575 years (give or take a few days due to inflation). The U.S. is spending 4 times that ( egg mucmuffins for me and all my friends for 2,300 years - talk about your cholesterol!) per day. So maybe 4 billion dollars is a little more than you thought. 

However, the national debt continues to grow. The total U.S debt is now more than 15.5 trillion dollars. Let me reinforce that TRILLION. Imagine the amount of egg mcmuffins you can buy! It is almost, no wait, it is ridiculous. There are only about 350 million people living throughout the United States. So even if every person paid 1 million dollars for the next 50 years, it wouldn't be enough to cover a fraction of our debt!

As the debt keeps rising, my generation (Generation Y/Millenium) and every generation after us is going to be faced with the repercussions. So it astounds me that people my age don't seem to realize the sticky situation we are getting in to. The baby boomers don't care what happens to us - they lived their fun free-love lives and are now retired with a secure social security check. Generation X - our parent's generation - are too small to make a dent in politics. So, it's really left to us the next largest generation to take them on. 

Us Millenium babes need to stand up and tell the government, STOP SPENDING ALREADY! We are the ones who are going to have to pay massive amounts of money in taxes and never see the return, especially when it comes to social security. 

We must start paying attention and forcing our political leaders to pay attention as well. Our representatives in both the Senate and the House of Reps need to revamp the budget and cut excess costs. It will take time to get this debt down and the longer we wait the worse it will become. We must act. Otherwise, at the rate we're going, my generation will be working until were 80 in an attempt to keep money in our treasury. 

Plus, where is this $ billion dollars a day being spent? Looking around, it doesn't seem to have helped the economy. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Guns: Not Just for the Zombie Apocalypse

Last week in Aurora, Colorado,  a shooting at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises resulted in 12 deaths and 60 injuries. It rips at my heart to hear that some unbalanced sicko, a James Holmes, was able to end so many lives and my heart goes out to the victims and their families.

Amid this tragedy as with any other mass shooting that happened in recent years, many citizens are horrified that man such as this had access to weapons. Some cry out for stricter gun laws. Others cry out for complete banishment of privately owned firearms. Among the more radical viewers is Mayor Bloomberg of NYC who even suggested police strike until stricter gun laws are made. 

Now while I believe that it's sick that a killer was able to get a hold of firearms and murder innocents, I do not think that it is fair to punish citizens who treat firearms with responsibility. I also believe that our founding fathers added the second amendment to the Constitution for a reason. 

Although it isn't 1787 anymore, it is still important that private citizens own firearms. When only the government has access to firearms, it begins an uncontrollable spiral that cannot be easily undone. Freedoms can be stripped when the balance of power is thrown completely into the hands of the government. Especially if the government is hellbent on ruling instead of governing. 

While we think we will never have poisonous government, it can happen. While we think we will never have to overthrow a dictator, it can happen. While we think we will never have to fight tyranny, oppression, or persecution, it can happen. 

Even if you truly believe that nothing like that could happen (like how teenagers do dangerous activities because they believe they're invincible), then consider this. If private citizens were banned from owning firearms, the bad guys would still find a way to get them. 

The people who abuse firearms from a common criminal to a member of the Bloods to a crazed man set on murder would still find firearms and use them. Illegal drugs are trafficked into the United States everyday perhaps they will just make it a package deal. 2 rifles with every kilo of coke purchased. Life finds a way regardless of how many rules and regulations. 

It would only be the good people, the people who use firearms for responsible sport or for that threat which seems so distant to us now, who would be penalized. Yes, there should be rules on purchasing weapons and people should take classes on handling them. Firearms should also always be locked up when not in use to keep children and teenagers from having access to them as well. 

Miss at the firing range. 

Not everyone who owns or operates a gun is out to use it against others which is something people forget in times of tragedy.

Plus, what are you going to use to defend yourself when the zombie apocalypse rolls around? A fork? Good luck. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Elle Wood of Conservatism: Mindy Meyer

Pink. That is all that hits you when first logging onto to Mindy Meyer's website for New York State Senator (mindymeyer4senate.com). Pink combined with the cheetah print and her slogan "I'm Senator and I Know It" - yes inspired by the LMFAO song - you may wonder if this campaign is a joke.


However, like Elle Wood did in Legally Blonde, Meyer is breaking down the stereotypes showing that pink should be taken seriously. Not only is Meyer the first woman in history to run for New York State Senate, she is also 22 years old and of Orthodox Jewish heritage. 

This "Diva of the District" is not running a stiff and stuffy campaign like everyone else in politics. In a quote taken from chicksontheright.com Meyer comments,

Meyer using the Hunger Games as apart of her Campaign (mindymeyer4senate.com)

"The inspiration behind my site is that I went on my opponent's website, and it was super boring. Every website you go on just puts you to sleep. I'm trying to appeal to the younger generation to show them that young people should get involved in politics and we do care about them. The Senate's not just a bunch of old people"

But not only is her campaign flamboyant and pink, many of her ideas for the 21st District are actually good. Being a lifelong resident of Flatbush, Brooklyn, Meyer knows what is important to the residents and has major ideas on how to change her community for the better. 

I think that it is fantastic that Meyer is becoming actively involved in politics and such a young age. It is also great to see that both conservative and republican lines are in support of her campaign. I hope to see her make another mark in history and become the first woman in history to sit on the New York State Senate. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"If You Build It," Oh Wait You Didn't Build That

Not too long ago while President Obama was campaigning in Roanoke, North Carolina he stated "If you have a business, you didn't build that," in a speech. Coming from a family built upon small businesses ranging from a fence business to a pet store to a skate shop to selling underground pipe, I found this to be an extremely reckless statement.

        President Obama earlier this month at a campaign event in Roanoke (AP Photo/Don Petersen)

Of course the media always takes a lean ( I am a CA major and you are delusional if you believe that ANY news source is completely unbiased and does not have an agenda) and me being the collegiate I am, I read the statement in context in the speech. Still, I find this statement pretty offensive.

I understand that the President was speaking about the nation's infrastructure and how that helps small business, but isn't that why we have the government to begin with? It's not like they are doing some huge favor for the people. The government is in place to build infrastructure.We pay taxes and small businesses pay taxes which pay for that very infrastructure. That is what a government for the people is supposed to do.

As far as I know and have seen being in a family that has had small businesses for 2 generations, I have never once seen a handout from the government that helped a small business. So that is why I find it absolutely baffling that statement came out of our President's mouth. I've only seen personal sacrifice, one's own blood, sweat, and money, go into a business.

This whole idea that "you didn't build it" is simply not true or at the very least a very thoughtless statement thrown together by the Obama Campaign. No one can make success happen but the individual. It is the individual who takes out loans from private banks and the individual who pays it back with interest. It is the individual who creates their own website to market their own products or service.

In the end, it's just sad to me to see that statement in context and standing alone. After watching a few businesses that my family loved be wiped out due to this economy, I honestly don't believe that if you didn't build it that it would be quite as upsetting.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Let's Break It Down

Now, when I say I'm a republican or conservative - this does NOT mean that I agree with every political and social agenda presented on the right. There is no black and white in politics and while I agree with some aspects of course I am going to disagree with some others. I use the term loosely because of all the gray area that comes with being the *gasp* conservative young person.

I actually like to think of myself as a "libertarian" - meaning I want each individual to have freedom to run her life the way she seems fit. I want to maximize my own liberty and my fellow neighbors. This means I am SOCIALLY LIBERAL and FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE. But considering that many usually don't know or understand what a libertarian is I usually just refer to myself as a conservative.

So just to clear the air, no, I am not a racist white bigot. No, I am not homophobic or against same-sex marriage. Yes, I am pro-choice. Yes, I am for women.

Like I said nothing is black or white. Quite plainly I think that both main parties in the United States have major flaws. I've simply chosen the Republican Party as the lesser of two evils.

Coming Out of the Closet

In today's society, we are pushed to "express ourselves" and be accepting of everyone, especially us young people. So it is always surprising to me when the room takes on a less than frigid chill when I talk about politics with other young people. Guess all that embracing the different crap goes out the window then.

Since I tend to be a non confrontational, I usually hold my tongue. However, considering this is an election year and the country I love is spiraling out of control (well spiraling out of control of the people and into control of the government), I guess it's time for me to stop being a closet "republican." I'm here to say, "Hello World! I'm YOUNG, IN COLLEGE AND DISAGREE WITH THE LEFT!"

This blog is my coming out party dedicated to plastering my young conservative views throughout the internet. Hopefully, I can give a little insight to what a young conservative thinks of politics today and maybe even break down some of those liberal stereotypes for what it means to be a conservative or republican!