
Thoughts and Comments from a Sassy Girl on the Right.......and I'm not even southern.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Guns: Not Just for the Zombie Apocalypse

Last week in Aurora, Colorado,  a shooting at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises resulted in 12 deaths and 60 injuries. It rips at my heart to hear that some unbalanced sicko, a James Holmes, was able to end so many lives and my heart goes out to the victims and their families.

Amid this tragedy as with any other mass shooting that happened in recent years, many citizens are horrified that man such as this had access to weapons. Some cry out for stricter gun laws. Others cry out for complete banishment of privately owned firearms. Among the more radical viewers is Mayor Bloomberg of NYC who even suggested police strike until stricter gun laws are made. 

Now while I believe that it's sick that a killer was able to get a hold of firearms and murder innocents, I do not think that it is fair to punish citizens who treat firearms with responsibility. I also believe that our founding fathers added the second amendment to the Constitution for a reason. 

Although it isn't 1787 anymore, it is still important that private citizens own firearms. When only the government has access to firearms, it begins an uncontrollable spiral that cannot be easily undone. Freedoms can be stripped when the balance of power is thrown completely into the hands of the government. Especially if the government is hellbent on ruling instead of governing. 

While we think we will never have poisonous government, it can happen. While we think we will never have to overthrow a dictator, it can happen. While we think we will never have to fight tyranny, oppression, or persecution, it can happen. 

Even if you truly believe that nothing like that could happen (like how teenagers do dangerous activities because they believe they're invincible), then consider this. If private citizens were banned from owning firearms, the bad guys would still find a way to get them. 

The people who abuse firearms from a common criminal to a member of the Bloods to a crazed man set on murder would still find firearms and use them. Illegal drugs are trafficked into the United States everyday perhaps they will just make it a package deal. 2 rifles with every kilo of coke purchased. Life finds a way regardless of how many rules and regulations. 

It would only be the good people, the people who use firearms for responsible sport or for that threat which seems so distant to us now, who would be penalized. Yes, there should be rules on purchasing weapons and people should take classes on handling them. Firearms should also always be locked up when not in use to keep children and teenagers from having access to them as well. 

Miss at the firing range. 

Not everyone who owns or operates a gun is out to use it against others which is something people forget in times of tragedy.

Plus, what are you going to use to defend yourself when the zombie apocalypse rolls around? A fork? Good luck. 

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